Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Biseri (Gems)

We try to phrase limits and commands in a positive way for Martin. So, instead of 'Don't give cheerios to Vale', we say 'Kato porasne i Valeto shte iade cheerios' (When Vale grows up, he will also eat cheerios). So, Martin really likes the idea of Vale growing up and he says all the times things like 'Kato porasne i Valeto shte skacha' (when Vale grows up he will also jump). 'Kato porasne i Valeto shte rita topka"(when Vale grows up he will also kick the ball)... So, the other day, I lay in bed nursing Valeto and Martin was close to us. He observed (as usual): "Valeto iade teta" (Valeto eats boob). And then added: 'Kato porasne i Martin shte iade teta" (When Martin grows up, he will also eat boob).


On a night when the moon was about 40% full:
"Mamo, tova e lunata. Se schupila lunata."
("Mommy, this is the moon. The moon broke.")


"Mamo, Martin iska da vidi pampersa na Valeto" while I change Vale and comment on the poop he had made. He sees it and says: "Ima ujas!"

Martin counting in Spanish (past 10):
"Dieciseis, diecisiete, dieciocho, diecinueve, DIECIDIEZ"
("sixteen, seventeen, eighteen, nineteen, TENTEEN")

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